With the New Year (2014) come new expectations, new goals and a chance to reflect on the changes that we need to make going forward. If your plan has changed enough so that the information in your current spreadsheet or journal program is no longer valid, you may want to start anew, while taking the information you've gleaned from the prior sheet and using it to modify what you will (or will not) do... going forward.
Note which of your Performance-tracking categories had a positive expectancy and add those to the new sheet (or journal). For those categories that did not produce a positive income, look at those specific trades to find if there was a common denominator that produced the net losses that you incurred.
If there is no real common denominator, then maybe these type of trades really don't fit your trading style, your personality or you may not truly understand the concept of why you took these trades to begin with. Further study on the specific dynamics involved with these trades may be needed.
Would you like to start ‘anew’ with an updated TJS product file? In recent months, we have spent many 100’s of hours and many Thousands of dollars on coding costs to bring new Features and Functionality (your feedback) to light.
Please click the following link to view the Update process: http://trading-journal-spreadsheet.com/contact-tjs-update-me/
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